Do speakers have to burn?

Release time:

2023-11-22 08:18

In the first stage, it is only a warm-up stage, and it is not necessary to select the tracks in the reference tracks recommend above. As long as you use a relatively soothing song like "guess your heart" to play normally at about 30% of the normal volume, the playing time is generally 10 to 12 hours.
After the warm-up of the first stage, even if it enters the formal stage of the praise machine, there are clear standards for the selection of music types and styles, and the adjustment of volume and playing time. First of all, from the recommend reference tracks of the Senior high school and low three types of audio, respectively, choose Liangzhu, Ferry and Xian Yun Guhe as the praise machine tracks. The 48-hour loop is played with a volume of 60% to 70% of the normal volume. This stage is a connecting stage. The adaptive memory of the earphone for each frequency is formed in this stage. The success or failure of this stage will directly affect the expressive force of the earphone for the frequency sound used in the future work process. Of course, in addition to the three songs recommend above, you can also choose some other tracks, such as the four seasons and autumn mentioned in the table, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, etc.
The third stage is mainly a consolidation stage. The main function is to further enhance the return visit effect of the corresponding frequency band, so that the corresponding frequency band can have a better interpretation effect in the future broadcast. Here, the three songs of California Hotel, The mass(Era) and Fairytale (Mysterious Garden) with super comprehensive expressive power are mainly tried out. When playing, attention should be paid to maintaining a volume loop of about 50%, and the required playing time should be about 14 hours. The whole process of praising the machine here is even over. The rest is the adaptive stage of ordinary music. Under normal circumstances, after another two weeks or so, the performance effect of headphones will feel completely transformed.
Remember: don't use rock and dance music to make the sound box useless!

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